Middle School Initiative

Photo Perspectives aspires to obtain grants and public donations to fund the following for each of its middle school sites.  Resources may vary based on group needs and available funding.

SD Cards & Card Readers

Each participant receives their own memory card and card reader so that they may edit and evaluate their images on their school issued laptops.

DSLR Cameras

Cameras with interchangeable lenses for hands on experience with manipulating aperture, shutter speed and ISO.

Photo Printer

Photo Printer and supplies so that participant work may be timely printed and displayed in appropriate venues.

Studio Lighting

Continuous LED studio light sources, light modifiers, and light stands for units on portraiture and still life


Frames for school galleries, public exhibits, permanent displays in the community, online galleries

Educational Materials

Instructors and students are supplied with suggested lessons, activities, and written and video-based learning materials accessible via the web.

Instructor Stipend

A modest stipend is provided for a school faculty member to instruct the extracurricular group

Ongoing Collaboration

Photo Perspectives staff monitor online groups and provide feedback, answer questions, and engage on a regular basis

Online Learning and Collaboration

Participants in both program types enjoy access to our online learning and collaboration portal.  Each school or workshop group receives their own restricted-access platform where each member has their own profile page,  may share photos, provide feedback, and access learning materials.  The portal is designed to keep posts and interactions separate between groups.  Future plans involve allowing  intergroup activity through invite only groups so that different schools, for example may interact and/or compete similar to other extracurricular school activities.  The online portal also provides increased opportunities for participation as photographers who have competing obligations, such as sports, do not have to choose one or the other.  Participants can stay up to date on group activities and still interact with group members on days or seasons in which they have conflicts.  A special group for site instructors also exists so that ideas and activities may be shared and best practices can be spread.

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Individual Profile Pages

Each participant receives his or her own profile page that can be personalized with photos and albums.  Only other members of the same group can see a person’s profile page.

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Place to Collaborate

Participants can post images and receive feedback from instructors and their peers.  Positive and constructive ways of providing input can be modeled and practiced.

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Photo-Educational Resources

Participants can access a variety of articles on photography technique and elements of composition as well as video lessons.

Meaningful Exhibitions

School Gallery

Photo Perspectives funds frames and mats for a permanent school gallery to be created at a location within the school site. While gallery design varies based on the needs of the participating school, the general goal is to be able to swap out matted pictures in the frames throughout the year and thus allow the photographer to take home his or her matted print after the display is over.

Community Display

As funding permits, Photo Perspectives funds professional printing and framing of selected works and an identifying placard to be donated for permanent display in a public space within the community. In this manner, the town benefits from framed art for all to enjoy, and the students internalizing a real connection with their larger community. Additionally, end of the academic year art shows are anticipated in most circumstances.

Online Presentations

Each school site receives a dedicated photoperspectives.org webpage on which photographers' work is presented. Additionally, selected works are shared, without photographer identifying information, on the public Photo Perspectives Facebook and Instagram pages.

Themed Showcase

Occasional opportunities may occur for middle school photographers to have their work included in themed exhibitions or printed publications currently in development as part of Photo Perspectives mission.